
Once Upon a Time, in a quaint little workshop nestled at the edge of a bustling town, there lived a brilliant toymaker named Professor Augustus. He was known far and wide for his intricate and magical creations, each one more wondrous than the last. But amongst all his creations, there was one that held a special place in his heart – a sentient windup puppet made out of yarn.   This puppet, whom the Professor affectionately named Royam, was no ordinary toy. With every tick of his delicate clockwork heart, Royam came to life, his bright yellow yarn limbs moving with a grace that seemed almost human. But what truly set Royam apart was his insatiable curiosity and Thirst for Knowledge.   From The Moment he came into existence, Royam watched and learned from his creator with keen interest. He observed as the Professor meticulously crafted toys of all shapes and sizes, each one a masterpiece in its own right. And as he watched, Royam's own imagination began to stir.   Under the patient guidance of Professor Augustus, Yarno learned the secrets of toymaking – the art of shaping wood, the science of mechanics, and the magic of bringing dreams to life. But more than that, he learned to see the world through the eyes of an inventor, to find inspiration in the most unlikely of places.   As the years passed, Royam grew in both skill and wisdom, his tiny hands becoming deft at manipulating gears and springs. And though his creator was no longer with him, having passed away many winters ago, Royam carried on his legacy with pride.   In the workshop where he was born, Royam continued to invent new toys, each one a tribute to the memory of Professor Augustus. From Clockwork Dragons that breathed fire to mechanical birds that sang songs of old, Royam's creations brought joy to children far and wide.   But amidst the laughter and delight, there was always a hint of sadness in Royam's yarn heart. For no matter how many wonders he brought into the world, there was a part of him that longed for the warmth of his creator's embrace.   Yet as he looked upon the smiling faces of those who played with the creations, Royam knew that Professor Augustus was with it still, his spirit living on in every cog and wheel. And so, with each new invention, Royam honored the memory of his beloved creator, weaving a legacy of magic and wonder that would endure for generations to come.     As the years went by, Royam's fame as a toymaker spread far and wide. The workshop became a destination for travelers from distant lands, drawn by tales of his wondrous creations. Yet amidst the bustling activity of the town, Royam felt a stirring within itself – a yearning to explore beyond the familiar streets and fields that surrounded the workshop.   One day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, a dense fog rolled in. Royam made a decision. Gathering his courage and his most cherished tools, it bid farewell to the only home he had ever known and set out on a journey to Blood Moor.   The road ahead was long and uncertain, but Royam's spirit burned bright with the promise of adventure. With each step he took, he marveled at the wonders of the world around him – the towering mountains that scraped the sky, the vast plains that stretched as far as the eye could see, and the bustling cities teeming with life and energy.   Along the way, Royam encountered all manner of travelers – merchants peddling their wares, adventurers seeking fortune and glory, and weary travelers in search of a place to call home. And though he was a humble windup puppet made of yarn, Royam found that he was welcomed with open arms wherever he went.   In this new frontier, Royam discovered a new land ripe with opportunity and possibility. Serphants Pass. Inspired by the sights and sounds of this new world, he set to work creating not only toys, but also creating a civilization for that living things could use!   Word of Royam's talents spread like wildfire throughout Serpahnts Pass, and soon his creations were in high demand among the people. In doing so Royam changed his name to Mayor and redyed his yard to a midnight purple. Mayor then fabricated a story that Royam went off with a small group of adventures who said they would need his aid.    Now with the old barn that the Mayor was working in shut, he went to the founders of Serpphants Pass and asked them if they would like him to aid in running this new territory. They agreed as long as they could ask him for some of his creations to aid them in settling Blood Moor. They also agreed to keep Mayors secret.    But amidst the success and acclaim, Mayor never forgot the lessons he had learned from his beloved creator, Professor Augustus. With each new invention, he poured his heart and soul into his work, honoring the memory of the one who had taught him the true meaning of creativity and craftsmanship.   And though he had traveled far from the workshop where he was born, Mayor knew that his journey was far from over. For as long as there were dreams to be dreamed and wonders to be discovered, he would continue to venture forth into the unknown, his spirit as boundless as the sky itself.



Friend (Vital)

Towards Avira Zauviir



Avira Zauviir

Friend (Vital)

Towards Mayor



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Serpents Pass Village
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