Avira Zauviir

Treasurer Avira Zauviir

Came from underground family of low-income workers that worked for coin (under the table, dirty work for the mob). Became an investigator while also being the brains of the regions they lived in. Very book smart, not so street smart.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and frail but sharp in her face.

Body Features

Frail with very lean musculature.

Facial Features

Sharp features, sallow and malnourished appearance.

Identifying Characteristics

Completely black eyes. Oozes dark ichor from various parts of her body.

Physical quirks

She can sometimes go beyond her physical/magical ability.

Special abilities


Apparel & Accessories

Dark, unassuming clothes, mostly, but has an outfit or two crafted that is for special occasions.

Specialized Equipment

Anything arcana.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Avira worked in servitude for the mafia family of the Zauviirs of Blachena City; found as an orphan at around a year old after her (unknown) parents abandoned her. Among the Zauviirs, Master Anders emerged as a mentor and guardian to young Avira. Recognizing that she could be molded into the ultimate espionage expert, Anders took it upon himself to nurture her potential, envisioning her as an invaluable asset to the family's operations. He took her in to train her to be the brains of any operation. It led her down a path of scholastic pursuits while watching her family's misdealings around her. When she became a teen, Anders saw her aptitude for sensing magic and controlling it. He influenced the Zauviirs to enroll her in the Nezahal School for Wizards in Blachena City. She used this opportunity to learn magic while continuing to be the family’s intel source. Though at a young age, she did recognize that this was how she/the family could keep learning the magical arts. Once her education was completed, she returned to the family hub. Anders saw how she bloomed as a woman and violated her, causing a cascade of emotions that eventually lead to her departing Blachena City and breaking ties with the Zauviirs. After departing from Blachena City and severing ties with the Zauviir family, Avira found herself in a perplexing state of mind. A mysterious lapse of memory clouded her recollections, creating a void in her past that eluded her grasp. The subsequent journey was shrouded in a fog of forgetfulness, leaving Avira to navigate her present with fragments of the past slipping through her mental fingers like grains of sand. It was as if a curtain had fallen, concealing significant chapters of her life, and she grappled with the unsettling realization that certain pivotal moments were veiled in the shadows of her own mind. As the mental fog cleared, she found herself part of this charge under the order of Lady Jamandi Aldori that eventually founded Serpent's Pass.

Gender Identity



Demisexual, panromantic.


She was trained as a starlit span magus at the Nezahal School For Wizards in Blachena City.


Intel expert for the Zauviir mob family.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Graduate of the Nezahal School For Wizards.

Failures & Embarrassments

Defector of the Zauviir mob family.

Mental Trauma

See bio.

Intellectual Characteristics

See bio.

Personality Characteristics


Mostly knowledge but also power.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Books, learning, the occult, flowers (specifically violets and lavender). Dislikes: Pink, children, people who are show-offs.

Virtues & Personality perks

PERSONALITY TRAITS: I’ve read every book in the world’s greatest libraries—or I like to boast that I have. IDEALS: Logic. Emotions must not cloud our logical thinking. BONDS: I’ve been searching my whole life for the answer to a certain question. FLAWS: I speak without really thinking through my words, invariably insulting others.


Contacts & Relations

#1: Depositor/Consumer Protection - Morbash Rimzog; Orc Gladiator Barbarian #2: Communication - Tafaris Zylmorn; Elven Barrister (Thaumaturge?)

Family Ties

Zauviir mob family (broken ties)

Religious Views

The Leylines


Keeps to herself, quiet.

Hobbies & Pets

Writes in her spellbook or journal. (Poetry, spell ideas/diagrams, developing spell technique and flair).


Depends on the situation. Usually informal but writes very formally. Verbose.



Friend (Vital)

Towards Avira Zauviir



Avira Zauviir

Friend (Vital)

Towards Mayor



Wealth & Financial state

Rich? Maybe. Poor? More than likely.
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer
Blanchina City?
Current Residence
Serpent's Pass
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Aklo, Androffan, Common, Diabolic, Sakvroth, Shadowtongue
Ruled Locations


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