Alfonso III Alisheri


Alfonso comes from a long line of emperors of Mathras, he is a direct descendant of Christobal, the founder and hero of their empire. He is the tenth emperor of the nation. It is said that, when he was a small boy, he was abducted by elves and tortured. Barely saved, he needed immediate medical attention, so he was brought before a wandering cleric and restored to life. This is a rumor and the royal family muffles anybody trying to spread this story as propaganda to inflame conflict with Isila. However, these rumors stayed with the man until his adulthood and when he became the next emperor after his father died of natural causes, he surprised many by his actions. First, he sought peace with Luvic and achieved it, first time for centuries there was peace between the nations. At the same time, two decades after the horrobile Chronoplague, he enacted the census, which made everybody question the validity to the story. It might be true.
Year of Birth
3700 A.P. 40 Years old
Aligned Organization


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