
Vecna found himself a cult of Mind Flayers during the Second Age, Godswar. These creatures found it easy to dabble into necromancy and with his help found themselves on a loner path of lichdom. Those that practice this change will be cast out by the elder brains. Only the most powerful mind flayer mages could achieve true lichdom and were known as illithiliches; however, many mortals do not make this distinction.   Alhoons combined powerful wizardry and sorcery with their innate skill at psionics to become a new threat to the established order of the Undertethys and beyond. Their skin possessed none of the wet, smooth, slimy texture of living illithids, instead appearing dry, wrinkled, and cracked as a result of the powerful magic resistance that had prevented a perfect conversion to lichdom.   Alhoons were ignored, feared, and hated by mortal illithids for their rejection of the illithid circle of life, culminating with the physical and psychic merging with an elder brain.


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