Arakhor Wildlands

Most of the Central Arakhor are the Wildlands. Here strange, ancient magic intertwines with monsters of the region. Long ago, in the center of it, powerful magic was used to stop a war and in doing so, destroyed thousands of kilometers of mountains creating the Willow Hills. The repercussions of this act echo to this day. While the northern parts are easily colonizable, the rest is a question of "is it worth it?" As through the millennia, this region was left alone and the nations that tried to form here would later see their demise occur in a spectacular way. One such Tiefling nation, called the Naxxarar, would stand tall on the Willow Hills, and on the outbreak of the Fourth Age, The Calamity, whole cities, with the people inside them, would disappear. The land returning like it was never colonized by them. Even the Devilspine Mountains bow to this region and many horrors infest the mountain tops. This doesn't stop traders, bandits, and other smaller groups to find a place for themselves here. Some cults found it easier to work from the Wildlands. There are rumors that the people behind these wild occurrences are demons, toying with the mortals. Maybe there is one or more Demon Lords roaming in these lands?
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