
Prince of Swarms (a.k.a. The Collector, Lord of the Swarms, Master Hoarder, Lord of 5th Archspire)

Arbeyach is an exceptional devil among his kind, as the majority of devils assume some form of twisted humanoid shape. This enigmatic Archdevil's true form resembles that of a swarm of insects, shrouded in mystery and harboring inscrutable motives. Unlike the likes of Mammon, Arbeyach is not driven by outright greed, but rather by an insatiable compulsion to amass and collect. His inclinations favor the act of gathering for its own sake, rather than an overwhelming desire for material wealth.   Arbeyach's minions and agents in the Material Plane mirror his peculiar nature. He targets mortals who find it difficult to relinquish possessions (or even people), as well as those who are resolute in defending what they perceive as rightfully theirs. Souls belonging to such individuals are the prized collectibles that Arbeyach seeks to add to his ever-growing collection.
Divine Classification
Major Entity, Archdevil


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