
Baphomet, the Demon Lord of Minotaurs and Tanarukk, reigns over his own Demonic Corridor - Lyktion, predominantly an endless maze for his acolytes. Notorious for his brutality, Baphomet, along with his followers, revels in capturing innocents, confining them in labyrinthine dungeons, and tormenting them through starvation, relentless pursuit, or preying on their deepest fears. Orcs who turned to demonology and were forsaken by Crommash found refuge under Baphomet's wing, transforming into Tanarukks. While Minotaurs are the hunters within the mazes, Tanarukks prowl the open lands, setting traps and procuring sacrifices to feed their lord's insatiable labyrinths.
Divine Classification
Major Entity, Demon Lord


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