
Conflict is the very nature of all beings as such, Crommash will his followers to seek it, revel in it and achieve victories over your weaker foes. Worshippers of Crommash are mainly orcs but those that love battle and war will find their place right here. Many mercenary groups around the world would follow this god of war, instead of Ilios as Crommash doesn't care why blood is spilled but that it flows.  


Crommash is one of few Greater Deities that started their journey as mere mortals. Once known as Crommash the Breaker, an orc warrior during the Second Age, Godswar, he quickly found favor in Ilios and other gods that waged war on Tethys. However, his ambitions rose as he gained ranks. At first, becoming a Chosen of Alduir, the god of strife at that time, and defeating Uldas, the god of combat, during a prolonged battle. When he achieved Demigod status, he challenged his own patron to a duel and beating him, chopping his head and drinking his blood. Many rituals of blood-drinking would rose thanks to this legend. His group, now known as Blood Gods, would wage great wars against other gods, choosing similar in strength enemies, leaving weaker ones to perish or to be left alone completely. Over time he would rise to the ranks of an Intermediate Deity and after forming the Bloody Arena Pantheon, becoming the first mortal to become a Greater Deity. Crommash from that point on would wage war on anyone he deemed worthy of his notice and while Icons raged on in the Fourth Age, The Calamity, he would be fighting other gods, stopping for a moment to help against Vecna. Many say that it was due to the Translucent Traveler that he was convinced to help.  


  • Blood is good. Spill it.
  • War is good. Wage it.
  • Combat is good. Fight on.
  • Relationships with other Gods

    He might have allies in the Bloody Arena Pantheon but most are just sparring friends than real allies to him. He doesn't need an ally to wage war and he had conflicts with many deities.  

    Cleric Domains



    Orcs, Combat, Battle, Bloodshed, Strife, Skill-at-arms, Warriors  


    Constellation of Neverending Strife  


    None, Greater Deity  

    Known Aspects

    Divine Classification
    Greater Deity
    Aligned Organization


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