Demonic Corridors

Source Planes: Evil‌, Chaos

Demonic Corridors are a Greater Plane between the Source Planes of Evil and Chaos. Due to it being close to the Chaos force, the plane isn't entirely defined and could be endless. You could compare the plane to a neverending cave system. Each cave (Demons like to call them Lairs, it's their home) is connected by at least one or more Corridors. These can take the form of literal cave corridors, a city tunnel, teleportation circle or archway, anything really. A Lair must have at least one such connection or else it is lost to Limbo as it will drift off to that location. The number of Corridors a Lair has can fluctuate. New can be created and old ones can be destroyed. The Lairs themselves are categorized in two ways - Occupied or Not Occupied, so a Lair or Den. Lairs are noted as whole new places, each can be the size of a kingdom. They are ruled by a Demon Lord or a Balor (or similar powerful Demon). They rule as they see fit and change the plane too. Dens, on the other hand, do not have a powerful entity ruling it (but can gain one due to strife, conflict or just a Balor moving in) and are used by weaker demons in a variety of ways. From places to fight, have fun or conspire against their masters.

List of Known Demon Lords and their Lairs

List of Known Other Powerful Demons and their Lairs

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List of Known Dens

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Dimensional plane


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