Betrayed One

Whenever you hear two "truths", one must be a lie, spread by someone. This is also known as propaganda, a lie purported to be the truth, to achieve a goal. Many clerics and worshippers of the Betrayed One work as agents, spies, and propagandists for many countries, not only elves. It is because the Betrayed One doesn't care about race or culture, only that those innocent know his pain of being betrayed.  


Known as Illandril the Great, an elven prince of high renown. Long ago, ruled over an island not far from the Elven Lands and wished nothing more than peace in the world. At least, that's what his worshippers will tell. History is written by the winners and most elves known Illandril as a despot, tyrant who ruled his island with an iron fist. What hurt him the most that it wasn't that the people or his men that revolted, betrayed him but his own blood, his own son and mother. His wife was loyal and stole his body before it could be destroyed, from that point on she plotted her revenge, starting a propaganda war against his family. After a hundred years, the history changed, a despot no more but a hero that was corrupted by his mother (who in turn corrupted his own son). He became an icon in their eyes, changing into an Idol and quickly into a Lesser Deity of Betrayal. What version is true? Nobody but the gods know. He took on the moniker Betrayed One and joined the elven pantheon. When Assassin betrayed the Wise One, it is said that the Betrayed One wasn't involved but evidence said to the contrary. He was ousted from the pantheon and forced to join the Chromatic Alliance. Many centuries later it would be revealed that the evidence was fabricated but it was too late, he saw the elves and dragons as his enemies, ready to plot and scheme against them.  


  • Betrayal is part of our nature. Do not deny it.
  • There are those that deserve betrayal and those that do not. The latter will betray you later.
  • Spread the word, no matter how wicked it is. Prepare for the worst.
  • Relationships with other Gods

    His allies lie in the Chromatic Alliance and all his enemies in the Elder Pantheon. There might be more enemies but he cares only for those that betrayed him.  

    Cleric Domains



    Betrayal, Propaganda  


    None, Lesser Deity  


    Chaotic Evil  

    Known Aspects

    None, Lesser Deity
    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Aligned Organization


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