
The legendary Assassin, mother of thieves, spies, and murderers for hire, can find many followers, no matter if in the Undertethys or on the surface. Her worshippers are mainly the Drow, who still hate the surface elves and seek their destruction. While others are mainly thieves, spies, and assassins, sometimes members of guilds (and some of them become cult-guilds of the Assassin). Her clerics stay in the darkness, never revealing who they really are unless they see a benefit in it (finding new worshippers or training a new cleric for example)  


Born to the Savioress and Wise One, the Assassin took on the role of their spy and hidden blade during The Elder War. While her brother, Eternal Blade, who be their public champion, the Assassin would bring the much-needed information about their enemies, thus she worked very closely with her parents. Learning all about them. There are many historic explanations for what happened next as she betrayed them. Some historians point out, that the Assassin became the patron god of Dark Elves and they worked just like her. The numbers of worshippers grew as well as her greed for power. Others say that it is due to the fact that she spent a lot of time in the Undertethys and it corrupted her soul. The legends say that when The Great Clash she was deep underground and that might have caused it or there is something ingrained into the rock there. The reason might not be that important, because what came next became a series of horrifying events for the elven race. After they lost their homeland and had only the Elven Lands, barely made peace with the dragons and made the Elder Pantheon, the elves were scattered and many pilgrimages were made to the islands. During that time even more Dark Elves ventured to Undertethys and this should have been a bad sign, however, it went unnoticed. A Father Betrayed  happened and the Wise One was almost killed by his children, his powers sapped, the Assassin and her brother invaded the surface world. A massive army hidden deep underground attacked the surface, consisting mainly of Dark Elves and Duergar, they ransacked everything. Assassin personally helped to invade the Elven Lands and burn it to the ground. The invasion was stopped only by another disaster. It took many decades for the Wise One to regain powers and with the Saviouress, they stripped the betrayers of their powers, thus they could only rely on those still loyal to them in the Undertethys. There are historians who speculate that it was all a plan by the Jade Emperor as once the two siblings retreated, they joined with the Chromatic Alliance. Since then, they secretly worked against the elves as much as they could. Over time, she gained more followers, which a large portion are non-elves.  


  • Truth is a foolish virtue, obscure your actions
  • In the darkness, you can be free, revel in it
  • Everything is up to be taken, be the first one
  • Relationships with other Gods

    She hates her parents, Wise One and Savioress, and works to undermine their Elder Pantheon. She doesn't care for others in that pantheon, only those two. She has a feud with the Dark Mother as she stole her Drow portfolio. Those in the Chromatic Alliance, however, are tools for her agenda.  

    Cleric Domains

    Death, Trickery  


    Murder, Darkness, Assassins, Thieves, Spies  


    None, Intermediate Deity  


    Neutral Evil  

    Known Aspects

    None, Intermediate Deity
    Divine Classification
    Intermediate Deity
    Aligned Organization


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