Boira the Fury

Boira the Fury is a member of the Throne of Esageard and she seeks out battles, no matter where they lie. Those that follow her are one of the best warriors that exist, hoping always to gain glory fighting alongside her. Some are just psychopaths that revel in the slaughter.  


One of the first Demigods in the Throne of Esageard. Boira was raised by her hateful parents, whom she murdered when she was twelve. Later, she would join the ranks of warriors in her clan, becoming an unstoppable fury. In time, she would be regarded as the greatest warrior that walked and became a Demigod in her late teens. Boira is also one of the few demigods that ventures outside of Venland to the other continents (with her warrior-followers) to seek out new battles. She fought in many places during the Fourth Age, The Calamity, only to be quelled for decades during the start of the Fifth Age, Current Age. She recently returned and seeks to increase the bloodshed.  


  • Do not shy away from a fight, seek it out
  • Let the fury be you, not just a mere tool
  • Slaughter should follow your footsteps
  • Relationships with other Gods

    She only cares about conflict, so the other demigods of Throne of Esageard are her enemies or soon-to-be enemies.  

    Cleric Domains





    None, Demigod  


    Neutral Evil  

    Known Aspects

    None, Demigod
    Divine Classification
    Aligned Organization


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