Cloud Surfer

The resurfaced god of skysailing, the Cloud Surfer brings freedom to her followers as they sail among the clouds. Her worshippers feel the need to fly and be free of any burdens. The clerics can be seen in many skyports around the world as well as on airships were there is a dire need of a magic-user.  


The gnomish god of the skies rose to prominence near the end of the Third Age, Kingdoms, when airships became common. Sometimes called The Captain, the Cloud Surfer became the patron god of the skysailors as well as skypirates. Her religion would fall almost to non-existence after the Fourth Age, The Calamity, only to have it resurface after The Second Divergence.  


  • Be free, the sky is the limit
  • Be among the clouds, always moving to new places
  • Do not fall or let others fall, be ready to save them
  • Relationships with other Gods

    As a free-spirited god, the Cloud Surfer lacks longlasting relationships with other gods. She still visits the Little Folk's Home and keeps friendly terms with the other gods of air or sky.  

    Cleric Domains



    Clouds, Skysailing  


    None, Lesser Deity  


    Chaotic Neutral  

    Known Aspects

    None, Lesser Deity
    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Aligned Organization


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