Court of Sol Organization in Tethys | World Anvil

Court of Sol

Sunlord already had a court, some say set into the Star itself - Sol. Over the millennia, the great Sunlord felt lonely in his journey in the cosmos, wishing to find gods similar to him. Thus, he set out to awaken other celestial bodies in the Tethys System. First was the Asta, Moon, which had a mixed result. It brought Asta to existence but also it created another moon - Astrea, Moon, which also awoken as Astrea. Later, he would seek out to repair the damage brought by the Fourth Age, The Calamity, a way to end the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age, and decided to use his powers to awaken Tethys itself, creating Thea. Her awakening brought the green again and mortals were saved from a slow death of starvation. While his Pantheon is small, it might grow in time if he wishes to awaken more celestial bodies or find allies that would work with him.
Religious, Pantheon
Notable Members


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