
This small Halfling nation is known worldwide for its bardic college - College of Quick Step. Not only halflings come here to learn but many other races as well. The locals are very welcoming, sometimes offering free lodgings for a good tale.  


Daldrup is one of the highest and lowest places in the Prasinus Plains at the same time. As many hills form this region, they make up valleys between them that are near sea level. This place was given "exclusivity" by its neighbors to the halfling race during the Third Age, Kingdoms. Even the kingdom of Isagorth did so, later the Divine Empire. However, things change and when the Fourth Age, The Calamity dawned, the hills became flooded and thousands of halflings died. The lands would return to normal only after the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age, when the halflings returned to this region and started to rebuild. Many of them would come from far away places, telling stories of their travel and their ancestors. Over time, this kind of storytelling became part of their local culture and evolved into something more as Bards started to appear and this in turn would be the founding of a new bardic College of Lore called College of Quick Step. Over the decades, it become one of the most renowned places to learn the bardic arts of lore.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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