Prasinus Plains

These lands were once referred to as Western Divine Empire but only near the end of the Third Age, Kingdoms. For most of the age, it was a wartorn region. First, taken by ancient Lepidia, then Isagorth and later the Divine Empire, only to be destroyed by the ancient Jadeite Empire during the Dragonswar. The history of the Prasinus Plains is the history of war, it never stopped, especially in the Fourth Age, The Calamity, when it was taken over by the Iconian Empire. When everything fell, many thought these lands to be lost, only to be slowly rebuilt in the Fifth Age, Current Age. Conflict still arose and this time from the descendants of rulers, the kingdom of Divine Monarchia, who wants to reunite the western Old World into a "better" Divine Empire. Many oppose them, like the Confederacy of Vitae, while smaller nations have a harder time to do so. It is also the region that has the Great Buffer. Many small nations and baronies, who are in constant conflict with Lepidia. Many fear that if the buffer will fall, the undead will flood the region.


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