
The biggest populace belongs to the half-orcs, who had their ancestors come to these lands to learn from the Fencing School of Half Leaf Blade, a well-known fencing school started by a half-orc centuries ago. They turned around and went from being just teachers to the rulers of this kingdom.  


The story of Essoy starts long ago, during the Third Age, Kingdoms. An elf by the name of Elauthin Leaf Brother became known for his mastery of the blade. He spent hundreds of years of training and fighting. His statue (now ruined due to wars and conflicts) stands in the Elven Lands from where he hailed. He visited the Old World seeking challenges but rarely he found honorable people to fight against. During his travels, he met a half-orc by the name of Eschan, this young boy just lost his parents to a bandit attack and had nowhere to go. At that moment, the duelist was bored and saw it as an opportunity for something interesting, he took the kid as his ward and traveled together. During their travels, he would teach him the ways of the blade, making him a great swordsman in just a decade of practice. However, Elauthin fell gravely ill and on his deathbed told the half-orc his secrets about fencing. Eschan would start his own school and later in life would write his techniques, that would be the foundations for a swordsmanship academy as well as a nation. Well, at least this is the story that the country of Essoy and their students want to tell you. The elves from the Elven Lands tell another tale about a treacherous half-beast that killed his master after he revealed to him the secret of his skill. Then, spit on his memory by not only teaching others and taking money to do so but also by writing a book, where all of Elauthin Leaf Brother's techniques were revealed. Thus, very few elves, especially those that know the story, learn in or from swordmasters from Essoy. The country also barely came to existence, as The Chronoplague, the school of Fencing School of Half Leaf Blade took this opportunity to expand their influence. In just a matter of a couple of years, they went from a mere fencing school to the saviors of many and now the rulers of Essoy, a kingdom that survived the Chronoplague.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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