Old World

The Old World continent has many names. The people of Azura called it the Lost Lands of Humanity, Qudat'lilbasharia. The tieflings of Arakhor called it The Land From Whence They Came, Geldikleri Arazi, as their continent was invaded by the Old World during the first years of Era of Rediscovery. The people of Sailan named it Land of Cowards, Wuya Zhi Di, as the dragons of the continent accused them from running away in the Second Age, Godswar. The continent was mainly populated by humans who either were there after the shattering of the First Age, The Titan War or escaped the Godforge Lands continent. Of course, there was a multitude of other races here. Orcs, Halflings, Gnomes, Elves, and many more but over time, the biggest number belonged (and still belongs) to humans. During the Third Age, Kingdoms, it was conquered, after centuries of conflicts and diplomacy, by the Divine Empire making it truly the continent of humans. The lands went through major problems throughout the ages. The biggest was in the Second Age, Godswar after The Divine Smite, which ripped apart the northwestern part of the continent and turning it into the Great Islands. Now, after millennia of hardships, it is the most diverse continent out of them all and the name Old World would always refer to these lands.


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