
This is a magical compound found in many places in the world, mainly at Magic Sources. Etherite quickly became the cornerstone of magic use and allowed to speed up the process of creating magic items. It grows in crystal form at Magic Sources (Divine or Arcane) and sometimes far from them in secluded places. Others found it in the ground as crystal veins. This magical resource is universal in its use, not only for creating magic items but also as a substitute for spell components. Over time people found that the different colors of the crystal (they are mostly crushed into powder form) can have different properties for different spells or creation, however, the impact isn't that big.


Material Characteristics

Crystal-like. It can be easily broken by hand and turned to dust.

Geology & Geography

Found at Magic Source and other locations.

Origin & Source

Theorized that its part of the Magic Thread.

Life & Expiration

Crystal form doesn't lose their potency ever unless harvested. It will lose its magic over 1000 years of time, while in the powdered form loses its magic in 100 years.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Used as a magic component alternative


The crystal can be used in their normal form as normal but when powdered its easier to transport and doesn't lose that much of its magical properties

Manufacturing & Products

Baseline for creating magical items


It is known that magical explosions can trigger the powder (not the crystals)

Environmental Impact

None known


Law & Regulation

Their legal status is connected to magic status in countries. Where magic is illegal or highly regulated, then Etherite is also.
Ionized air
Common State
Growing crystal form or crystal veins in ground.


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