Magic Thread

The Magic Thread Theory is the main magic theory that almost all magic users ascribe to. Since the dawn of time, magic feels like it's flowing through the planet. Imagine a ball of yarn that is the world and dozens of different threads form that ball. Be them divine or arcane, these magical threads form the magic of the world and wizards would weave their magic using them like musicians playing on a string instrument. The threads can be as small as a real cotton thread or big as a city and they interlock with each other. They are invisible to the naked eye, only casting Detect Magic can show where threads are and some are hard to spot (a character would need to succeed a Perception test to find the small ones, while those big as a house might be "invisible" when standing inside them).


Whenever two or more threads interlock with each other, they form a knot. This can have a different effect depending on the types of knots. If most of the knots are of the same type, they form a Magic Source, which can be either Arcane or Divine (still, depending on the threads). Etherite can be harvested from such locations (the bigger the knot, the more you can harvest each time). Passively they grant bonuses to magic (divine or arcane). These locations are ideal for wizards, druids, and clerics to build their headquarters on.  

Wild Magic Knot

However, once two more knots of different sources entangle each other, they can form a Wild Magic Knot. Where, no matter if Divine or Arcane, the magic is random and casting spells (or using magical items) in that location can be hazardous to the magic-user and his allies.  

Ripped Threads

Locations where the Threads are ripped apart, cut or similar, magic works poorly or doesn't work at all. This affects magical items as well (except for Artifacts). These locations are called Dead Magic Zones.


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