
The first nation comprised of sky islands (the Archadian Confederacy is more independent islands working together than a country) ruled over by a family of ancient Silver Dragons. They seek knowledge and to unravel the secrets of magic. Over the years, they were able to connect the islands with teleportation circles, allowing some of the populace a safe journey between islands, instead of risking it with the skypirates. They work closely with the confederation.  


The Archadian Empire brought many races together, even the dragons. The most notable was the great wyrm Phartonaxx the Wise, a Silver Dragon of great renown among many mystics. He even sired many children in the empire as they were very accommodating with his search for the arcane. After the Fourth Age, The Calamity, Phartonaxx is presumed dead and the continent of Archeron shattered into pieces. However, some of his children survived and after the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age, they were able to get back into the skies. Their ancient homes now on sky islands and to their shock, with people living there. Instead of relocating the populace, they worked with them and helped them prosper. When the first skypirates appeared, the dragons were there to stop them from raiding islands under their protection. To stop further attacks and unite their "kingdom", they had no choice but to announce founding a new nation called Feohanagh, The Silver Islands of the Sky. They work closely with the Archadian Confederacy, while at the same time helping some explorers find old ruins of the empire.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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