Archadian Confederacy

Independent sky islands of the Archeon Islands joined together to fight skypiracy. The skysailors of the confederacy are one of the trustworthy out there in the skies. Many use their services in many skyports on Tethys or their allies in Quadropolis. Their main goal is to make the skies safe from sky pirates.  


It took some time after the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age to discover that not the whole continent of Archeron is gone. While some islands can be found and mapped, apparently some became flying islands. People on those islands were able to survive over the decades and after The Second Divergence  the first airships showed up. The technology was reverse-engineered by a small group of geniuses and in a small amount of time, other flying islands with people could travel outside their homes. Nearly four decades later things went from hopeful to worse, as piracy began to spread faster than anticipated. You can't become stranded in the air, so very few battles were held to the death, allowing the pirates to rob blind many folks. A group of pirates appeared to be dedicated only to hunting other pirates, calling themselves the Basch & Balthier Group. Some say they aren't even from the Archeon Islands. They were able to gain enough notoriety that other sky pirates joined them, denouncing their ways and soon the term "skysailor" meant people who you could trust in the clouds. A pact was written and those sky islands that signed it joined the Archadian Confederacy. The islands retain their freedoms, their own set of laws, and such but whenever discussing skysailing, airships, and sky pirates, the confederacy takes precedent and their goal is to guarantee the safety of many who wish to travel. The Confederacy can be also be seen in many skyports in the world, working closely with Quadropolis.
Political, Confederation


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