Freedom Isle

Almost all of the Warforged race were nothing more than tools in the eyes of the Archadian Empire. Once the empire fell and the continent of Archeron was shattered into the Archeon Islands, the Warforged were freed from their bonds. Some more charismatic and intellectual members of the race decided that create a new nation, that would treat them as full members of civilized society, thus came the idea of Freedom Isle. While many living creatures fought over resources during the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age, the Warforged not needing food, were able to fortify their position on the island. When the first explorers came to the island, they were shocked at the sheer amount of work that the Warforged did, making their home the best it could be. While it normal humanoids it is a strange place of misshapen blocks and unnecessary buildings, roads, bridges, and other things. This abstract architecture is what the Warforged saw in their heads as the ideal place for their race to be free from the flesh races. The other races are allowed to visit, they are treated with the same dignity and etiquette they give to the Warforged.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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