Great Squall

Great Squall is a mysterious force on the sea. While for the most part, it is over the sea, being close to this enigmatic cloud brings bad tidings. Almost always sailors will want to change course when they see the green squall, while the worshippers and clerics will try their luck, believing the sickness it brings cures them of their sins. As such, not many of them are bought on ships, only as a last resort.  


Those in the Third Age, Kingdoms suggested that the Great Squall might be something else entirely that many believed. Magic doesn't work properly when near it, people get sick and equipment rots as if time ate it away. No matter the origins, it quickly became the rumor that spread in all ports and became a terrible Idol for the sailors. Sometimes this squall will come on land, destroying the landscape for generations.  


  • The Great Squall brings cleansing, bask in it
  • Do not fear that what might kill you, if you survive, you will grow stronger
  • Steer the ship, let everybody feel the warmth
  • Relationships with other Gods

    Great Squall is a member of the Long Silver's Locker Pantheon.  

    Cleric Domains





    None, Idol  


    None, Idol  

    Known Aspects

    None, Idol
    Divine Classification
    Major Idol
    Aligned Organization


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