Long Silver's Locker

Many Pantheons have Deities as members, some are led by Greater Deities. This isn't one of them. The Portfolio of the sea wasn't taken, even by the gods of the elements, so many Demigods, Idols and Divine Theories and Concepts took over. The pantheon started in the Second Age, Godswar but fully became a pantheon in the Third Age, Kingdoms, when the myths and legends collided. Started with a sunken sailor named Long Silver, who became a demigod after his old allies turned him into a horror story, taking the portfolio of Sea Stories with him. Many more legends started to form and with it more Demigods, Idols and Divine Theories. In the Fifth Age, Current Age, there isn't a god of Sea but a pantheon full of them, each representing one aspect of the oceans.   Known Members:
  • Long Silver - Demigod - Portfolio of Sea Stories - A sunken sailor that became a horror legend among his friends.
  • Furious Widow - Idol - Portfolio of Storms - Men feared the fury of the storm, personified by a widow cursing those that let their friends fall into the sea to die.
  • Great White - Demigod - Portfolio of Sea Creatures - A great whale that had a strange white skin became deified by the sailors, feared by them that the oceans hide even more dangerous creatures below.
  • Great Squall - Idol - Portfolio of Squalls - Uncaring squall takes over unprepared ships, turning them into ice.
  • Stranded Sailor - Divine Theory - Portfolio of Stranded - All sailors believe, that if you see a stranded man, be it on an island or on flotsam, you bring him to the nearest port or allow him to join your crew. If you don't do it, your ship will sink the next day.
  • Otiradrim - Idol - Portfolio of Shipwrecks - Once a powerful elven warship, believed to be unsinkable, so much so that it became a legend. Nobody really knew that it sunk many years before it was revealed to be so. To this day, it sails over the waves, bringing dead sailors to its ranks.
  • Wild Wave - Idol - Portfolio of Waves, Tsunamis - Many would fear the dreaded wave that would upturn a ship or destroy a port, as it rose to power, those waves became more dangerous, even magical, capable of destroying the land.
  • For some reason, the Three Deaths god isn't a part of this Pantheon but he works together with them.


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