
The biggest halfling nation in the world. By many, this is their holy land as this is the place not only that Bombradil visited the most but it is here that he died, trying to save his people. The halflings will fight tooth and nail over these hills, no matter who it will be. Otherwise, they are a cheery and happy bunch as their lost patron instilled into them.  


The Jolly Hills in the Grandeur Inland were always in the hands of the Halflings. No matter the Age. While the nation of the halflings fell and rose again many times over the millennia, the hills always have returned to them. During the Fifth Age, Current Age, there were a lot of conflicts surrounding the hills as they were one of the few that could support life. Thus war was waged during the Post-Calamity Era and long after. Only recently, when The Second Divergence happened and the Chronoplague plagued many nations, did the halflings regained their lands and casted out the invaders.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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