
Bombradil was once one of the major gods of the Halflings race. He was killed during the events of the Fourth Age, The Calamity. This is his profile when he was active.   Bombradil brought joy and fun whenever he showed up, being one of the few gods that would be commonly seen with his worshippers. Clerics and followers of the god of luck would bring partying, jokes, and cheerfulness whenever they were.  


Bombradil came to the world during the Second Age, Godswar and was one of the most instrumental gods of the Halfling race, just after the Translucent Traveler. Many believed him to become the patron of their race. However, his carelessness for the world, wanting only to have fun, allowed other gods to gain more ground. He was loved by all, as he would willingly go down to the mortal realm and have fun with his worshippers, becoming one of the most active divine beings, even during the Third Age, Kingdoms. Disaster struck when the Icons showed up, starting the Fourth Age, The Calamity. His powers waining and the constant visits to the Material Plane made him an ideal target. He was killed and his Portfolios scattered. His main Portfolio - Luck, was taken by the Translucent Traveler.  


  • Fun! Bring it everywhere!
  • Luck! Share it with everyone!
  • All work, no play, makes you a dull one!
  • Relationships with other Gods

    He barely had any enemies. If some god would be antagonistic to him, he would try to win him over with wine and food, telling jokes or even arranging parties. He never wanted to be an enemy to anyone.  

    Cleric Domains



    Luck, Fun, Playfulness  


    None, Intermediate Deity  


    Chaotic Good  

    Known Aspects

    None, Intermediate Deity
    Divine Classification
    Dead Power


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