Lands of Patientcoast

Once the heartland of Isagorth during the Third Age, Kingdoms. The coast was taken by the Divine Empire and swiftly incorporated to their culture. For many generations, the culture of Isagorth was lost but once the Fourth Age, The Calamity struck, something new happened. Many tribes of the Kromrest Mountains invaded the northern part of the Patientcoast with the aid of the Iconian Empire. The empire was driven back and even after a successful retaliation, they weren't able to make foothold long enough. Many people left the coast during the Fifth Age, Current Age, when the Post-Calamity Era devastated the lands. Undead and simple tribes prospered. Now, after centuries, civilization is slowly returning but it has still a lot to go. Many people fear the coming of Hyboria as the revived Isagorth and rightly so as some clans in these lands are preparing for war, either to join them or to defend against their forceful intergration.


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