Mark of the First Worlder

Evidence that someone is a First Worlder. Twenty years after The Second Divergence, The Chronoplague happened. Some of the First Worlders turned into Chrombies and the Chronoplague was born. Those First Worlders that survived the disease are forever marked by the Mark of the First Worlder or The Chronoplague Mark (Chronomark for short). They can hide it with illusions but no transformation magic can remove it, except for carving one's own flesh out, which can be fatal as the Mark is magical in nature. Those First Worlders that don't have the mark can still catch the Chronoplague. Also, those who aren't First Worlders or their descendants can't have the Mark but still can catch the disease.   The Mark takes an appearance of a blueish lightning scar on the skin. It can range as small as hand or up to the whole body. It is fluorescent.
Affected Species


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