Race Template: First Worlder

The First Worlders showed up during The Second Divergence. They would appear in different locations around the world of Tethys, the most in the Forgotten Lands. A First Worlder can be of almost any race and they would have many stories to tell about the world they lived their lives in. At first, they were met with suspicious sympathy and some even had children with those of the "second world." Disaster struck during The Chronoplague, where some of the First Worlders turned into Chrombie and the Chronoplague spread around the world. In most places the First Worlders are distrusted and those that don't bear the Mark of the First Worlder are seen as a danger (sometimes the mark is a death sentence anyway) as they could turn into those zombies any minute.
Genetic Descendants

Race Template: First Worlder

Ability Score Increase Same as Base Race
Size Medium
Speed Same as Base Race

Base. Choose any race from this list: Human (non-Variant), Dragonborn (Any), Gnome (Any, except Mechagnome), Dwarf (Any) and Elf (Any).   Survivor or Ticking Bomb. Choose either that the character went through the Chronoplague or not. If the character survived the disease, he gains the Survivor feature, otherwise, he gains the Ticking Bomb. I   Ticking Bomb (Didn't contract the Chronoplague). The character gains Advantage to tests made to recall knowledge of the First World. If during the campaign, the character survives the Chronoplague disease, he loses this feature and gains the Survivor feature.   Survivor (Survived the Chronoplague). The character now has Advantage to all tests to resist abilities and spells from Chronoplague affected creatures.

Languages. Same as Base Race


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