
By the ancient writ made in the Third Age, Kingdoms, the Divine Empire is granted full rights to these lands as per the agreement with Ossyria. While the latter nation was destroyed and the formed recently only was revived, the people of Marquaix survived the Fourth Age, The Calamity just barely, only to be treated with hunger and diseases during the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age. No rest was given but they were able to pull through thanks to a dedicated military. When life could resume normally, they started to fortify their surroundings and rightfully so as the nation of Aghazstar wanted them gone but the honorable Oziria stepped in their defence. After decades of constant warfare, they were able to gain reinforcements from the mainland and use the lands to their fullest, thus denying the undead dragon his easy prize. The goal of Marquaix is difficult as it was only to keep an eye on Ossyria but now that nation is gone, the goals morphed to something else, thus they are now tasked in defending their region and hire mercenaries or adventurers that they sent out to neighboring countries, mainly on reconnaissance.
Geopolitical, Colony


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