
Nagas are large, serpentine creatures with the head of a humanoid and the long, scaled body of a snake. They are known for their intelligence, magical abilities, and often guardianship of ancient treasures or sacred sites. Nagas come in various types, such as the wise and benevolent Guardian Nagas or the malevolent and cunning Spirit Nagas. Their scales can have a range of colors, often vibrant and reflective of their magical nature.   Nagas first emerged during the Second Age, Godswar, a product of the Devils' experimentation with Celestial Blood. The initial beings to arise from these experiments were the Guardian Nagas, which, infused with an abundance of Celestial purity, were deemed 'too pure' by their Fiendish creators. On the brink of destruction by the Fiends, the Guardian Nagas were rescued by Celestials. Despite this setback, the experiments continued, eventually leading to the creation of Spirit Nagas. These were born from the tormented souls of Guardian Nagas and their Celestial kin.   After the war concluded, the Nagas found their place on the Material Plane. The Guardian Nagas primarily settled in the Azura desert, aiding the Aasimar in establishing civilizations there. On the other hand, Spirit Nagas either took residence in the Demonic Jungle or the Sailan deserts. While the Guardian Nagas lack the ability to reproduce without Celestial blood, the Spirit Nagas, through fiendish sorcery, succeeded in creating the Serpentfolk, a race known as Yuan-ti, 'of Serpent Blood'.


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