
The cold goddess of water, Niti'devudu, dislikes the world of Tethys for not accepting their superiority long ago. Thus, very few mortals worship her directly, while most of her worshippers are in the Elemental Plane of Water. Her clerics might feel like fanatics, wanting to purify every mortal by almost drowning them in water, saying it is to purify their souls from their ancient sin.  


The goddess of water was once the lover of Agni'devudu, the god of fire but after they lost the War of the Elements against the Divine King, she became very cold towards him. This split widened when they went to rule the Elemental Planes, where she filled the Elemental Plane of Water with only water, disallowing the fires of Agni'devudu to reach her. Her hatred towards Tethys and those that rejected their rule made her susceptible to advice by the enemies of Divine King and many others. It is said that the tsunamis of the Fourth Age, The Calamity wouldn't be so devastating if Niti'devudu didn't use her powers to empower them. Very few mortals can break the cold attitude of the god of water, only those that are willing to nearly drown themselves in purification can find her more appealing to them.  


  • Seek to purify your soul in my waters, for when you are close to the threshold you will see the truth
  • Water is the lifeblood of all, yet not many bow to it, make them
  • Do as you wish, let the waters tell you where to go
  • Relationships with other Gods

    Has a love-hate relationship with Agni'devudu, the god of fire, while being a part of the Elemental Forces pantheon. She dislikes many other gods for not accepting their rule in the Second Age, Godswar.  

    Cleric Domains



    Water, Purification, Elemental Plane of Water  


    None, Lesser Deity  


    Chaotic Neutral  

    Known Aspects

    None, Lesser Deity
    Divine Classification
    Lesser God
    Aligned Organization


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