Divine King Character in Tethys | World Anvil

Divine King

The Divine King ascends beyond only the human race, worshipped by many people who wish to rule or at least want to rule justly. Those that follow his dogma will bring justice and order to the lawless lands while finding those that are best to rule over them as only a strict hierarchy can bring civilization to its highest peaks. Due to this, most of his clerics will be on the Lawful side, however, there are those on the Chaotic side, preferring to destroy unlawful rulers, despots, and corrupt individuals by any means necessary.  


Divine King is one of the First Gods, who fought the Titans during the First Age, The Titan War. If you believe the First World Theory, the Divine King was once a mortal hero from the First World called Mario (father to Luigi de Capodimonte), who lead his party and saved everyone. After becoming a god, he chose to rebuilt Tethys and had to fight Titans over his creation. However, if you don't believe this theory, as a member of the First Gods, they invaded Tethys and took it over from the Titans. After the First Age, Divine King worked to expand his worship, founded the Divine Court Pantheon and became the god, when you think who is the patron deity of Humans. Over the thousands of years, he made the elements kneel to his rulership, created the Goldbloods and became the patron deity of the most powerful empire in the world, Divine Empire. When the Second Divergence happened, many feared that their god will abandon them but something much worse happened. Alliance of Northern Kingdoms was recognized by him and Luigi de Capodimonte became an Exarch. A schism is coming to his religion.  


  • Blood will reveal the true nature of a being. Seek truth in it.
  • A true leader is rare. Search for them and convince them to take their rightful place.
  • Real leaders lead by example. Those that do not will never be true leaders.
  • Relationships with other Gods

    He has a close relationship with the Trinity and Divine Sword as he is the leader of the Divine Court Pantheon. The Elemental Forces Pantheon and Court of Sol Pantheon pay homage, as he the ruler of all, even the forces of creation themselves.  

    Cleric Domains



    Humans, Rulers, Royalty, Kingship, Loyalty  


    King's Crown Constellation  


    None, Greater Deity  

    Known Aspects

    Divine Classification
    Greater Deity
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations


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