
Long ago, in the Nordryggen Mountains, there lived a Genie, who was visited by many of the first settlers of Venland. She was given gifts, slaves, and many more for her aid and powers. She would have thousands of servants, made out of the stone of the mountains, hundreds of monsters at her beck and call and a treasure room bigger than any palace. She lived a comfortable life and as her greed knew no bounds, she wished for more but she never got one thing - true love. Many would come and announce their love to her but once she saw through them, she saw that they never truly loved her, only her wealth and power. In time, she would be defeated by warring colonists but they couldn't kill her as wishes were too good to pass on. She was magically bound and the warriors would come once a year to get a wish from her. This continued for many generations as the people who knew about the genie died due to strife or old age. She was forgotten. After a millennium of being imprisoned in the stone, she finally had a visitor. A young boy found the cave but never ventured inside, fearing a beast might live there, so he played outside but close enough for the genie to see him but not talk to him. Over many years, this young boy would come here and play but never visit the cave. For the first time, the genie saw how the young man matured and she felt some kind of connection with him. Was it motherly love or something similar? When the boy grew into a man, he wasn't scared anymore and ventured inside the cave. The beautiful genie showed herself to him, offering him a wish for those many years that she saw him play. The man was astonished, not be a woman coming out of the stone but how beautiful she was, he was speechless for a while and blurted out his wish without thinking, making the genie blush. "I wish you were mine." It is said that the genie never "granted" the wish as she didn't need to use her powers to do so, she fell in love with the man and started a family together. This is the story of many tribes in the Nordryggen Mountains, each having their own version of the story and names for the characters but the core premise is the same. After the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age, these Earth Genasi, descendants of that human and Dao genie, decided they need to band together and took over abandoned cities and towns of the Vendel for themselves. When the merchants returned, they were shocked that a new nation formed here called Rokantar. The people of Rokantar not so long ago repaid their debts to Vendel for the lands they took over as they didn't want a war with the humans.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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