Ruby Prince

The great romantic, the Ruby Prince love to those lonely or in need. His beauty is so extraordinary that makes many doubt their sexuality, however, sometimes he is depicted as the Ruby Princess. His worshippers have many lovers, sometimes creating harems. Clerics set up brothels (the elves call them love houses) and help those that can't find love.  


The great Ruby Prince was a mortal elf during the Second Age, Godswar, who sought to become the greatest lover in the world, even bedding non-mortals. It is said he was able to seduce a god during his travels, making him a legendary figure that quickly ascended to godhood. Over time, he became the god of love, even having worshippers and clerics outside the elven race. Discounting the Greater Deities, the Ruby Prince has the most non-elven clerics in the Elder Pantheon but that might change with the Loyal Student.  


  • Love is the answer to all, hatred can't stand love
  • Romance is the language of all living things, help those that need a hand
  • Share your love with others that deserve it, convince those that don't
  • Relationships with other Gods

    He tries to be close to any god, continuing his romantic journey long into his godhood. Even if he is a member of the Elder Pantheon, he doesn't limit himself to dragon or elf gods.  

    Cleric Domains



    Romance, Love  


    None, Lesser Deity  


    Chaotic Neutral  

    Known Aspects

    None, Lesser Deity
    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Aligned Organization


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