
Scorching is a magical disease that touches mortals in the Riverlands, the highest probability is in the northern parts, beyond the Great Arrow Mountains. It started after the Calamity of the Savannah, when the capital city of Sahadrun exploded. The people who survive the Scorching are named Scorched. Many people from Sahadrun who weren't given magical medicine, thus many poor people, have marks of the Scorching.

Transmission & Vectors

Transmission is through the diseased skin. Anybody who touches it might contract the disease.


The cause of the disease is unknown but it is connected to the Calamity of the Savannah.


Skin starts to burn the victim like they had a bad day in the sun. After a day the skin will be Scorched, turning black then white into dust.


The only way to heal the person is through magic with rare magical components. There are some ointments with holy water and citrus that can halt the damage. Those treated with magic will be cured and can't contract the disease again. Those that had their disease halted will be "cured" as in they won't transmit the disease anymore but the burned off parts of their body/skin will remain.


For the worst case, the skin turning to dust will expand to other parts of the body. Meat, bones, organs. It will be like the body is burning away. It takes a week for an average human to die to the disease.

Cultural Reception

It is seen similarly to leprosy, people avoid it whenever they can see it. Thus many ghettos are built in Sahadrun, which contains the poor that contracted the disease.
Extremely Rare


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