
The lands of the Scorched. Once a proud nation of the savannah, they were pushed back by the magical desert. One arcane mistake killed untold thousands and generations later, they still living with the repercussions of those years. Highly magic-phobic citizens with the local guards try to uphold the laws against unrestricted magic use. Every Sorcerer, Wizard, Bard, Warlock and the like are watched carefully, sometimes restricting their freedom. Sahadrun had a hard time during The Chronoplague which caused them to go into conflict with the elves of Amaldarantar over their trees. Their king, Sahaah, turns a blind eye to slavery and trade with the dragon-controlled city of Ashantaruxx. The nation fears that the orcish horde in the west might attack them next.


The nation is ruled by a king named Sahaah, who's rule is absolute, however, he is chosen among the royal families, thus it isn't hereditary. Rulers of cities vote on pre-chosen candidates. The country works closely with tribes of their savannah and desert, all of which recognize the rule of Sahaah and nobody else.


Sahadrun's culture resembles that of Djun. As many of them see the savannah or the desert as their home, freedom in it to live it as they wish.


After the Fourth Age, The Calamity, many cities in the northern coast of Riverlands were struck with hunger and were forgotten by the empire beyond the mountains. This allowed the north Seljuks to raid these lands and replace the populace with their own, just after a couple of years. When the green returned, the Great River Savannah returned with it. The new people here saw the aggressive expansion of Mathras and denied it access, guarding the savannah to their deaths. The tribes united in order to work together against the aggressor, forming the nation of Sahadrun. They elected the leader of all tribes and titled him Sahaah. The nation would stretch its borders up to the Mind Flayer walls to the west, stopped by Mathras, and straight into the jungle and forest to the east. While the nation tried to tame the jungle, it quickly became apparent that it is untamable. Instead, they would work closely with Djun and expand their slavery beyond the Old World. A major conflict would come from the mountains. As the nomads raided many dwarven settlements, forgotten villages of the dwarves, in the Arrowwall Mountains, the dwarves of Osor-zuntîr took notice. Demanding the slaves back, they were met with various excuses. Some slaves died in servitude, others were shipped into faraway lands and they would have only a handful returned to them. This infuriated the dwarves and the Conflict of Bearded Shackles War started. It ended inexpediently, as the dwarves were fighting on the borders of Sahadrun, the capital city of Akaresh exploded in the Calamity of the Savannah. A powerful rift into the Elemental Plane of Fire devastated the savannah, turning it into a desert, killing untold thousands. The nation was brought to its knees and the dwarves retreated, seeing it as justice from the gods. Later, seeing the mages as culprits, the new Sahaah enacted the Holy Law of Forbiddance, which made magic use very restricted if not impossible. Every non-divine caster was put under the magnifying lens. The kingdom was able to stand back, even signing a new trade deal known as the Fully Opened Mountains, another devastation was brought by The Chronoplague, which caused the rulers to seek quick money for their populace to recover, thus they began cutting down trees of the Great Tree Forest. Another conflict was started, this time with the Amaldarantar.

Demography and Population

Most of the populace are Seljuk with Islanders being second in numbers. Many of the destitute people are Scorched, those that survived the Scorching.


There are no official state religions but there are three major ones that the populace and rulers have in reverence. They are the Translucent Traveler, which they thank for the help they've gotten in their past fighting the Icons, the Desert Hermit and Valena, which are religions that the Seljuk's took with them to Riverlands.

Foreign Relations

la tansaa alramal

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Scorched, Sahadrians
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Major Exports
Gems, Slaves, Citrus, Tobacco, Great Tree Lumber, Coffee, Olives, Marble
Major Imports
Slaves, Silver, Gold, Copper, Coal, Arcane Prison Objects
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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