
In the Fifth Age, Current Age, it can be found mostly in the sky islands of Archeon Islands. Skymetal was once a special metal made by the Giants, mainly the Jotunnheim pantheon. When the gods left the Material Plane, it became a rarity among the giants. Some say there was still many of it on flying fortresses of the Cloud Giants. After the shattering of Archeron, explorers (or mainly those that lived there) found the skymetal in the crust of the islands, replacing many iron ore nodes. It tends to be lighter than normal steel and has magical properties of flight. Skymetal is used to produce some of the newest Airships, mainly by the Archadian Confederacy.  


Weapons made from Skymetal are half the base weight and gain the Thrown (range 20/60) property. If they have the property, they tend to return to their user by flying back. Skymetal weapons cost four times the base price outside the Archeon Islands, while only twice as much on the islands.
Armor made from Skymetal is half the base weight and lowers the Strength requirement by 2 (if the Strength requirement was 13, it loses its requirement). The armor tends to help the user fall slower from heights, lowering damage done by Falling by 10. Skymetal armor cost four times the base price outside the Archeon Islands, while only twice as much on the islands.
Shields made from Skymetal are half the base weight and gain the ability to be thrown (similar attack profile to a Light Hammer). Skymetal armor cost two times the base price outside the Archeon Islands, while only 1.5 times as much on the islands.


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