
House of Soltau held (and still hold) the highest number of iron ore mines in the Shimmering Flats. They brought much to the kingdom of Frankquis, before they rebelled. They have close relations with the dragonborn of Kraskruph.  


After the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age, a new queen emerged in the Shimmering Flats. Queen Marlette united the surrounding duchies into her kingdom of Frankquis and ruled nearly fifty years. Bringing prosperity and growth to many. Her death marked a steady downfall in the inner relations of the kingdom. As many descendants of those conquered never really felt a part of the kingdom and ruled their lands more independently than the crown hoped for. Alas, they honored their late queen and served the next queens and kings loyally for many generations. With political hiccups along the way. Everything changed after The Second Divergence, when these duchies started to become more unruly than before. Some ensuring new laws that would be in conflict with what the crown wanted and when the hammer fell during The Chronoplague, as Queen Marlette VI wanted to make the duchies pay for costs instead of the royal coffers, a civil war broke out. The queen's head fell thanks to the guillotine. The Duchies announced their independence and the country of Frankquis, now they bear the name "Duchies of Marlette." Their new kings rule the lands as they see fit, however, many of the peasants still saw the royal family as their saviors, even generations later. The nation of Soltau is one of those rebelled duchies.
Geopolitical, Duchy


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