
The Umbral Arakhor Coast was a very dangerous region to colonize but the late, ancient Divine Empire made it possible. Small villages appeared and soon were destroyed by the vast cults and monsters roaming the lands. Only with the backing of the army, they were able to make a foothold and over a couple of generations, real ports and cities started to show up. These colonies, working as city-states, were in good condition when the Fourth Age, The Calamity dawned and unlike the rest of the world, the only problems they had were more monsters. The Iconian Empire never fought against them. This allowed them to grow in strength and was able to take half of the region for themselves. The Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age decimated their numbers and when they got back on their feet, far from their parent empire, they declared independence and banded together forming the nation of Treauville. At the same time, the Air Genasi of the city-states demanded rights as they never were treated as equal citizens. The leaders obliged, giving them many rights over generations. Their nature made them unpredictable. One day they would be calm, the other they became violent. Many ghettos were formed and the genasi mainly fought among themselves but crime would spill into other parts of the cities. Over the two centuries, they demanded even more rights. When one of the leaders, just flat out said no, to one of the protesters, the whole mob became violent and torched the palace, this rippled like a storm through the whole nation and a civil war broke out that lasted many years, bloodying both sides. The genasi were able to take over the city of Silea and hold the surrounding lands when the darkest moment came for them, The Second Divergence happened and the armies of Treauville retreated. Peace was again on the table and no battles were played out for many years until the king of Treauville was assassinated by an Air Genasi. This was enough for the nation to began the war effort again. While the country is slowly winning the war, the Air Genasi look for allies in many places, even asking the Divine Empire for an intervention.
Geopolitical, Republic


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