
A humanoid-insect race created by the Mummy Kings of Ossyria. While most of the race is centralized in the Vespera Hive, over the centuries they branched out all over the world, creating satellite hives. They control all insects around them, creating great swarms of locusts to destroy the lands of their enemies. While the smaller hives work on gathering resources, which are mostly humanoid creatures, cattle and similar, whatever they can get their hands on as sustenance to not only feed but reproduce. The bloody flesh is used as a perfect breeding ground for insects and more Vespoids. They understand language of other creatures, at varying levels, but they lack the organs to replicate it. Their leaders are capable of reading and writing in other languages, making it the only way to communicate with a nearby hive. Their own language uses pheromones, mouth clicks, and more. Some fear that the Vespoids are like a parasite that isn't in check, that will span all over and take control, eating along the way.


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