Vespera Hive

After the fall of their leaders, Ossyria was fractured and the dead God-Kings of Ossyria rose as Mummy Kings in secret. Some worked their way into the Hurghada Mountains and started their experiments there. The goal was to create a monstrous race that they would control and make it ready on a moment of notice. For that, they waged a secret war against the dwarves of Hurghada, who until this point were neutral to their neighbors. Over the centuries the dwarves were killed or scared off their lands, until the time of Fourth Age, The Calamity came and the Icons attacked. The Mummy Kings used all they had to fight off the powerful invaders, even their new insect army. While most of them were mindless, more drones than true servants, one breed was granted average intelligence. The Vespoids were created as a middleman for the army, as the officers for the swarms of insects. They were controlled with magic restraints but once Vecna Foiled happened, they broke free and killed their masters. Took control over the dwarven cities and made them their hives. Nearly a hundred years later they returned above ground, terraforming the land into one great hive. The mountains of Hurghada are unrecognizable. While Oziria has only a small border with them, they mostly are interested in the neighboring Viksta. Abducting people, making raids, and many more. The country sent many soldiers to stop the insects but they never seem to stop coming. Due to their nature, Vespoids created many more hives around the world. Some fear they aim for global domination, like their masters once.
Geopolitical, Country


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