The Legion

A loosely organized network of spies and liars, Legion is recognized as one of the most feared organizations on Allidech, not for any militant prowess or arcane might, but because they simply know secrets. Every village, town, city, and hamlet has at least one member of the Legion living in it, collecting terrible knowledge and shameful secrets of its townsfolk, compiling and storing those secrets safely in their Archives, ready to be sold for the right price.   Of course, sometimes those secrets are instead sold to the Legion in exchange for their silence and discretion, and to date, only a very small and select few of those secrets were ever shared. No one is certain what happened to those rogue legionaires who broke their unwritten code, though no record of them exists any longer. All mention of them has been expunged from the Archives as though they never existed.     Led by someone known only as Secret, or perhaps a collection of someones, the Legion is a force that rivals even the most complete of libraries, their sacred knowledge their dragon's hoard, and woe to those who would seek to pilfer it.


Legion has no official structure, at least not one that is openly apparent to outsiders. For those in the game, however, rank is known almost as if by instinct, thanks largely in part to the flow of information. Generally speaking, the more secret knowledge one is in possession of, the more weight their demands and orders carry within the organization. Logic would suggest that this would result in a chaotic and ill-managed group, though in practice the organization operates with a fluid efficiency, as members become known by reputation among their peers and a fairly balanced social structure has been worked out, though it remains unspoken and unwritten.   Roughly speaking, initiates to Legion are expected to be intelligent, but only know a very small handful of minor secrets, or one large one. As time passes, they learn ever more secrets, and eventually come to be initiating newcomers themselves, and so the cycle continues. The reputation of a longstanding member is one of vast knowledge, and as such, they are respected as the leadership in absence of any word from Secret, who is known as the single authority, knowing everything that the members of Legion know, though how exactly they know this is a matter of some debate.

Public Agenda

To gain knowledge, and learn the secrets of every living thing.

Knowledge Is

Information Network
Alternative Names
The Silver Net, The Innumerable, Secret Keepers
Head of Government
Related Items
Notable Members


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