Allidech, The Sprawling Freelands

Allidech is a landmass of incredible size and expanse, and though it pales in comparison to the size of Havveyl to the west, Allidech is as vibrant and populous as her continental cousin. Allidech is dotted with numerous city-states, each standing as a testament to how far the people have come since the Desolation War so many years ago. From Alimport on the coast to Ebonlake at the heart of the continent, each city bears many inhabitants, and those who call this land their home do so with pride.


Allidech is a wide land, and bears several variations of land between her shores. Almost bisecting the continent are the Shattered Teeth, a mountain range that juts up from the land as though to scrape the clouds from the heavens. The vast Eddenbraek jungle sweeps across the southwestern coastline, home to ancient secrets and strange, snakelike inhabitants. The Verde Sea, plains on which the most populous cities such as Amphala and Ebonlake grew, dominate the east. To the northwest, yet another mountain chain called the Little Hills stretches a handful of leagues before disappearing into the oceans. Lakes, rivers, and streams can be found in great abundance, though none so beautiful as the inland sea that Ebonlake draws her name from, a great basin of onyx filled with water so crystal clear as to trick the eyes into believing it isn't there.

Fauna & Flora

Allidech is as biodiverse as she is vast. Countless breeds of creature, both monstrous and kind, find home on her hills and mountains.
Alternative Name(s)
The Eastern Continent
Included Organizations
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