Those Of The Iron Circle

Those of the Iron Circle are a mercenary organization that primarily focuses on teaching common folk how to protect themselves. Often seen in small towns, villages, and hamlets, the Iron Circle is less a wandering band of warriors for hire than they are a school aiming to teach people how to better themselves through martial knowledge. They rarely, if ever, charge for their services or education, and make no attempt to ever force those who receive their aid to compensate them for it.         Easily identified by the simple, circular brand around the forearms of those who join their order, Those of the Iron Circle can be found at the front lines of any conflict which threatens the weak, the poor, the commoner. Their goal is simple: to defend those who cannot defend themselves.


The Iron Circle lives by a series of four simple tenets, hoping to embody the simplicity and honor that their founder, Gavyn Irons displayed during his life.    The Tenets of Iron   I: No victory or feat of arms is greater than the life of your brother. II: There is honor in knowing when to lay down your arms, but shame in never lifting them to defend.  III: Accept that victory is not always assured, yet do not settle for defeat.  IV: Seek life, but hesitate not to embrace death if it means salvation.


Founded during the Year of Triumphs, Those of the Iron Circle trace their roots to the dragon attack on the city of Amphala that saw the Red Jewel come closer to falling than any time in memory. During the battle, a young man in the city guard, Gavyn Irons, came upon a desperate and exhausted mother and child in a plaza, and legend says that in a surge of strength, he ripped the iron door off of a nearby slave wagon and used it to shield the pair from the fiery torrent of dragonfire sprayed across the area by the great wyrm Karzzaxan. Spurred on by his display, the members of his squad took up arms against the beast when it landed to devour him, and slew it alongside him, as he stood unburned by the fire around him.    After the battle, it is said he went on to lead the men of his squad to bolster the fighters throughout the city, carrying the great iron door all the while, shielding soldier and civilian alike with his massive, improvised shield. By the time the morning came, little remained of the makeshift armor he had utilized, and as the sun rose, he finally succumbed to exhaustion and his wounds from the combat, and fell as the city slew the last remaining dragons harrying them. According to the tale, as he lay in a hospital bed, he dicated the Tenets of Iron to the surviving men of his squad, before his grip on life finally loosened and he slipped into his eternal rest. Many retellings of the tale say that, even in death, his fist never let go of the shield, and many more say that he never once drew his steel through the night, instead interposing himself between his men and any danger.    The tale has existed ever since, though some doubt its veracity. Some scholars claim that Gavyn in fact died defending the mother and child, and that the story existed to justify the mass desertion of the city guard that followed the failure of the city leadership to properly communicate and defend the city. Yet other claim Gavyn never existed to begin with, and instead provided the figurehead needed to rally men and raise morale. Whatever the truth is, Those of The Iron Circle maintain it as truth, and have named their leader Shield Bearer in honor of Irons ever since that day.

In Iron, Strength. In Circle, Unity.

Founding Date
367, The Year of Triumphs
Military, Mercenary Group
Alternative Names
The Iron Circle
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title


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