
The Naratosk city state, Karraskariak is the richest city on Thaumara. The Naratosk hid on Easlath during The Nightmare War, and once it was over, they settled in the ruins building Karraskariak. They became the main trade hub between Anor and Easlath, working hard to get supplies and resources for those in Easlath who were beginning to rebuild. The Naratosk distinguished themselves during the rebuilding erasing the reputation they had as scavangers.   Currently, Karraskariak remains as the trade hub between Anor and Easlath, and with the help of the Tulcarca Merchants' Guild they will remain in that position. No one, though, minds as the naratosk are fair and honest in their dealings.   Their crest shows all six of the naratosk races in various places on the crest. The motto, in common, reads: "Arata, Thala, Sarta."

Arata, Thala, Sarta

Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Neighboring Nations

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