
Formed by the survivors of Yllnor after The Nightmare War, Eldanor now occupies the land that was once part of both Navalin and Faholean. They are a nation of elves, including Eladrin, High Elves, Wood Elves, and Sand Elves. Though there is no caste system in place, for the most part the Eladrin are the nobility, the High Elves upper class, the Wood Elves middle class, and the Sand Elves lower class. This is a generalization, however, as there are many exceptions to the rule.   Eldanor maintains the watchtowers on thier western boarder with the Blightlands to keep the Nightmare races in check. They are a proud people, but the Nightmare war still lingers in the hearts of many of the long lived elves. The fact that the Goredhel could enact such devistation on the lands of Yllnor makes them paranoid of what the future holds.   Thier crest shows the tripple moons of Tarimal, who created the elves, and an acron and an oak tree symbolizing the rebirth of the elven nation. Thier motto reads in common: "The Empire Reborn."  

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Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy

Articles under Eldanor


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