
Child of Dela and the father of Voun with Miranda, Mors is the lord of the underworld and the judge of souls.   Where Dela is charged with making sure life ends. Mors deals with what happens next. He watches over the burial of bodies, and when the soul comes to the Underworld, he is to judge them. Mors judges souls based on their actions in life, and determines what afterlife they will then have. For some that means the Underworld, for others that may mean a realm of one of the other gods. For some it also means reincarnation. Like his father, Mors abhors undead as a blight on the natural order of things.   Mors's followers tend to be active in reminding people that they will face Mors when they die, and their actions will dictate their afterlife. They also perform funeral rites for most races.   Mors's symbol is a skull.   Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Death, Grave, Order


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