
Ariel is the eleventh planet of the White Sun System, orbiting the White Sun. Originally designated as P/2027(White Sun)07 when it was discovered in 2027 by astronomers, the planet was terraformed by robot terraformers to allow humans to colonize the world after the mass evacuation of "Earth-That-Was". Terraforming was completed in 2266, and the planet became one of the Central planets of the 'Verse. By 2518, Ariel was a metropolitan world located on the New Canaan Run trade route, and was covered with glass and steel cities. It citizens had access to some of the finest examples of technology, and the planet was reputed for its medical facilities and dining establishments.  


  Ariel, originally known as P/2027(White Sun)07, was discovered in 2027 by astronomers on Earth-That-Was in the star cluster designated 34Tauri2020. It was believed to be within acceptable limits for terraforming. With the realization that Earth-That-Was would no longer be able to sustain her population, the Global Exodus Alliance was formed to evacuate the Sol system and relocate humanity to the 34Tauri2020 star cluster. After a trip of almost one hundred and twenty years, robot terraformers began to terraform Ariel in 2220. Terraforming of the planet and its accompanying moons was completed in 2266, with colonization beginning in the same year.   Like the rest of the Central planets, Ariel is a highly modern and civilized. High technology is prevalent on the world, and citizens have access to laser guns, holo-scanners and flying cars. The basic needs of the population; food, shelter and medical care; are looked after, allowing the residents of the planet opportunity to think beyond their basic day-to-day survival needs. Tall buildings of glass and steel litter the cities, while holographic billboards advertise many products and services. Ariel is noted for its exceptional network of medical facilities; including hospitals, schools and research facilities; of which Saint Lucy's hospital in Ariel City is a prime example. The planet is also noted for its museums and fine restaurants, as well as for being the only Core world to have no long-term prisons. A contract with the Trader's Guild transports prisoners to off-world facilities.   Ariel is known throughout the Union of Allied Planets for the technical and cultural achievements of its citizenry; indeed, statistically, more winners of the Medal of Societal Advancement hail from Ariel than any other world in the Alliance. The planet's institutions have a strong history of supporting the arts, with musicians, artists, craftsmen and writers taking up residence on Ariel. Most famous chefs either hail from Ariel, or emigrate to the planet to ply their trade. Due to its status as a Central Planet, landing on Ariel is restricted; only ships with legitimate business are given clearance to make planetfall, and they need dual commerce permits from both the UAP and the Trader's Guild.  

Locations of Interest

  Ariel City is one of the planet's main cities. Highly urbanized, the city is full of skyscrapers and is situated on the coast. Ariel City is the location of Saint Lucy's hospital, Shinei University, the starship docks, and a large municipal junkyard.   Numerous cities are located across Ariel, including: Gossamer, Codithian, North Hauer, South Hauer, Gohin, Tolli Basin, West Firebrand, Placious Caelum, Trident, Silver Fern, Bridgesbain, Nabokov Heights, Nikita, Guerenstradt, and Gorehaven. In addition to the urban centres, at least four major transport and commercial hubs; UAP Transport Hub, Matheson Docks, Piper Docks, and Mandellia Docks; serve the planet.   Ariel also boasts a bioluminescent lake in which citizens and visitors alike are allowed to swim.   Ariel is also the location of the Fissatore, a large orbital drydock used by the Alliance to produce a range of vessels, including the Glory class.  


  Ariel, like all planets under the authority of the Alliance, is governed by a planetary Governor. It is unknown what the electoral rules are on Ariel and therefore how governors are elected.


The planet is divided into several landmasses, many of which are connected to others via strips of land. Ariel has large polar regions, and a large amount of surface water. Islands and archipelagos dot the surface of the planet.   Urban areas are spread across the planet, and the capital is Ariel City, located in the southern hemisphere.   Located on the New Canaan Run, Ariel is a hub of commercial trade activity; official Union of Allied Planets and Blue Sun cargo is transited through Ariel's docks, although the carrying of such cargo is classified and can only be carried by registered traders.  

Astronomical Statistics

Mean Orbital Radius: 20.625 A.U. (3,085,456,069 km)
Orbital Period: 52.361 yrs (19,125 days)
Diameter: 13,016 km (1.022 E's)
Mass: 6.3234 ×1024 kg = 1.059 E's.
Apparent Gravity: 1.014 g

Natural Resources

Given the planet's extensive network of medical-related industries and institutions, medical supplies and the raw materials to make them are in great demand, and are both imported and exported on a regular basis. General stock, food and grain are constantly imported to keep the population fed, while the export of textiles is kept at a modest level.
Location under
Owning Organization


  • Population: 3.616 billion (2512 Alliance census)
  • Capital City: Ariel City
  • Major Docks:
    • Ariel UAP Transport Hub
    • Matheson Docks
    • Piper Docks
    • Mandellia Docks
  • Terraforming of Ariel was completed in 2266.

Important Moons and/or Satellite Stations:

  • Ariopolis (moon): population 4,500.
  • Shiva (moon): population 4,570,000.
  • Poseidon (moon): population 5,000,000

Cover image: Firefly Verse Banner by Shaudawn


Author's Notes

Astronomical data here is correct. The popular reference by QMx, The Verse in Numbers, miscalculates its orbital equations.   Meta: Celestial Mechanics of The 'Verse

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